1 Pharaoh |

I Pharaoh |
Pharaoh's page in Florida..click on "stallions" to see more pics of Pharaoh
Pharaoh is a Homozygous Black with Egyptian/ Crabbet/Polish breeding. He produces size, color, beauty. His loving disposition
& ease of handling have been passed down through the generations & continue to be a trademark in his foals. He has
over 40 get on the ground. We offer a live foal guarantee. Pharaoh has 10 crosses to black in his immediate pedigree, He has
produced Pintos foals as well. At TanZyr Arabians we believe in Breeding to the Best for the Best in Conformation, Disposition,
Presence & Action & Pharaoh has all of these qualities. He is a very gentle breeder, great for virgin mares. Standing
to approved mares only.
Pharaoh is a Homozygous Black, he has never sired a Chestnut foal. He has been listed in the Arabian Horse World as a
Leading Sire of Blacks. He produces Blacks 100% of the time when bred to black, and has sired an amazing 62% black foals from
mares of all colors. He has also sired 68% fillies!
Pharaoh has never been shown or owned by a "Show" home, but began his athletic career on the race track, he
ran for 4 years. He stood at stud at two different racing homes before becoming the Black Rose Arabians (MI) foundation sire.
He stood at Black Rose in Michigan for 10 years, and participated in Stallion Expos, Demonstrations, Parades, and served as
a schooling horse for a pre-teen girl.
I looked at over 50 different stallions when searching for a foundation sire for my Black breeding program, and chose
Pharaoh for his temperament as much as his color and beauty. I want my horses to be a pleasure to handle as much as beautiful
athletes. I trail ride him with horses of any gender, and he is bold and fearless on the trail when confronted with frightening
things such as packs of rushing barking dogs and roaring four wheelers or semi tractor-trailers when we are roadside.
Under saddle he is very alert and responsive with an experienced rider, but drops his head and steps very carefully with
a child on his back.
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BR Jasmine (CAHR 42139)