(Click on Photos for the link!)
Percheron Foals

Grade Percheron and Percheron/Morgan crosses available. Located in Canada. $500 plus
hauling to anywhere in the U.S. Over 30 to choose from! email: Amy@FoalTrain.com

Mork is 3/4 Canadian and 1/4 Percheron, 4.5 months old. He is bay in colour with a great
temperament. Price is $800 Canadian. Located in Ottawa, Ontario Canada.email: mike.chapieski@sympatico.ca

Beautiful Tobiano Percheron filly, just born a few months ago. She has a sweet and curious
disposition. She adores dogs, and people. She follows me around like a puppy dog! She will make any owner happy. To a good
home only . Price is $3000-$4000 American. Located in Hoosick Falls, New York USA.email: Neffi728@aol.cm

Duke is a Percheron/Belgian cross, black with a white blaze and a couple white socks.
He is the nicest colt I have probably ever had and I really dread having to sell him. He will make a great anything! He is
very smart and has a lot of energy and spunk. He loves people and would probably follow me right to bed if I gave him the
chance! Price is $2000 American. Located in Hoosick Falls, New York USA.email: Neffi728@aol.com
Maggie May

A sweet tobiano Percheron filly, she really loves to be touched by people. I have never had
a foal warm up to people so fast. She loves her mommy, but loves people just as much. She will turn black, and she has a white
blaze. A truly amazing horse, with an amazing disposition. Price is $2000 American. Located in Hoosick Falls, New York USA.email:
Percheron Foals (2)

Two Sorrel Percheron Foals. These two foals are of black Percheron mares and also black Percheron stallion. Very well built
and sure to be pleasers. Located in Lundar, Manitoba Canada. Email: pleasantoakfarm@hotmail.com