Wilderness Storm

Tri colour part arab stallion..Located
in Ontario Canada..Click on his photo to go to his webpage.

Landsong, 2000, Oldenburg NA stallion, fully approved with the Rheinland Pfalz Saar International. Was the highest placing
domestically bred stallion at the first ever 30 day performance test! Landsong is a proven producer of Inspection champions,
In Hand champions, Hunter In Hand champions, DSHBC champions! Consistantly stamps his get with his super temperament, great
gaits, good foundation and a beautiful head. Great Holsteiner breeding through Landgraf and Brinja, so this guy can also
JUMP! 2 year LFG, excellent shipped semen. www.lazy-b-acressporthorses.com
$950.00 US includes $350 booking!