
Big gorgeous colt born May 2 by Geronimo (German imported Hanovarian, 17.2 black. By Glorieux
out of Argentina by Argentan)Gabriel's dam Rosette a 16.2 chestnut, by Remarkable by Rembrandt out of STPRST Sandrika. Gabiel
has a wonderful outgoing personality and should excel in any discipline. Ready for his new home Sept.1/02. Price is $7500
Canadian or $5000 American. Located in Pembroke, Ontario Canada. email:

Event/ Dressage horse deluxe! Rosalie is a stunning filly with color and size. Sire
is a 16.2 Holstiener with Ladykiller and Cor de la Breyer lines. Dam is a huge Dutch WB (pinto)/draft X. Rosalie
is almost black, with 3 socks and conservative white pinto markings. She should mature 16.3 or taller. She
loads, lunges, clips, ties, has been saddled, bitted, ground driven, lunged, even sat upon. She has done in-hand trail
classes, crosses water, bridges, plastic, etc... she is absolutely sound and garuanteed bombproof!! Price is $15000 American.
Located in Colorado
Rosalie's Brother

Full brother to above filly, this guy is a solid bay with 2 hind socks and a star.
He is imprinted and learning to lead, etc. He is very easy going and should be big. We are expecting him to have
the same laid back temperament as his big sister, Rosalie. He also should mature around 16.3 +. Price is $15000 American..Located
in Colorado USA. email:

This elegant full Warmblood filly (born 5/12/02)is out of an ATA approved OSB mare, Liberte'(by
Tamino, out of La Roche). She is by the rising stallion, Everest, who is by Beauregard, an imported Dutch (approved
Oldenburg) stallion by Lucky Boy, and out of a successful Rhinelander mare. Elkie will be tall, as both of her parents
are 17, 17+h, and she is already huge. She has great movement, very nice conformation, and an excellent disposition.
She is elligible for registraion with the ATA, the AWS, and other registries. Price is $3500 American. This is a pre-weaning
price. Located in Rochester, New York USA. E-mail:

Beautiful, well-bred Oldenburg filly. Dam is 17.1 H premium registered Oldenburg mare
by West Coast. Her sire is Ruffian, by Rubinstein I, out of an Inschallah mare. He was imported in 2000 after
approval by the German Oldenburg Verband having placed 2nd in Dressage and 4th overall out of 32 stallions. This filly
has excellent conformation and movement as well as a wonderful sweet temperment just like her mother. 13.3H at 4 months,
should mature 17+ hands and is shedding out dark bay. Already weaned so her dam could return to performance, she leads,
ties, and bathes. Will be inspected by the OL Breeders Society 9/22/02. Price is $8500 American. Located in Summerfield,
Florida USA. email:
Sport Horse Colts & Fillies

Large collection of Quality well bred Canadian bred Sport Horse type youngsters available
all over Canada. Call 1-800-705-7278 or Email: