(Click on "Foal Fotos" for the link!)
Han/Tb Filly

This gorgeous girl is a Hanoverian/TB cross, by Diamont out of a fabulous MMB TB mare.
She is sweet, leggy, uphill and elegant. This one will definitely steal your heart! She will excel at dressge or jumpers.
Registered/Branded OLD NA. Located in Connecticut, USA . $8500 American for a limited time.Email: Lorin@Langonefarms.com
No Doubt a Pistol

This colt, born April 2002, is an excellent example of an American Warmblood. His dam is
a Shire/TB cross (top Shire lines in US), who is confirmed at Second level Dressage and schooling Third with potential for
the upper levels. She's also Evented through Novice. His sire is a well bred Appaloosa(has mainly TB lines and is the product
of crossing a performance sire with a racing mare), who's sire Evented through training (schooled prelim) before changing
gears to Dressage and is currently schooling Second level with potential to go higher. The colt is already showing his parents
aptitude for "peformance" with his big gaits and bigger than life personality. He has all the color and flash you could ever
want without sacrificing talent. He's a big boy and should mature well over 16h. With excellent conformation and great bone
he is your next sport horse champion. Eligible for registry with IRC. Pictures of dam (dam's sire), sire and the colt available.
Video available to serious inquiries only. Price is $8000 American. Located in Indiana USA. email: Fortitudefarm@hotmail.com
Vana Dee Fair

Stunning, very correct and super personable chestnut filly with chrome. Born May 02,2002.
Will mature 16hh+. Has excellent temperament from both parental sides. Will excel in any discipline and along with personality
she has wonderful, lofty movement. Price is $6500 American obo. Located in Salmon Arm, British Columbia Canada. Call
1-250-832-7008 or email: shattock@telus.net **Newsflash** Vanna Dee Fair and her dam have tied for "champion of the day" against
a trakehner at the 2002 Canadian Warmblood Inspection in British Columbia. This stunning filly is now officially registered
as a Canadian Warmblood. Price reduced to $5000 US!

Remington is a friendly foal that will be registered as a Canadian Warmblood. Remington is
a big boy and should mature close to his sire's size of 16.2hh. This handsome boy is extremelly athletic and has a gorgeous
trot. Remington is sired by the Canadian Warmblood approved stallion "ROCKS". ROCKS is a bay, imported, SWISS
WARMBLOOD STALLION standing 16.2HH. He competed in 1998 and 1999 under Christine Larson from Regina up to medium level dressage
ranking 23rd in all Canada and achieving several championships. Rocks carries the outstanding French pedigrees of Filou and
the Alme son, Jalisco B. Remington's DAM, Racee Lacee, is a 16hh, bay, registered thoroughbred mare who has decent movement
and very correct conformation. She has been chute jumped up to 4'6" with amazing scope and form. Lacee has a wonderful
disposition. She absolutely loves people, is extremelly clean (she poops in one spot!) and has no bad habits.
Remington is quickly learning these great traits.Price of foal is $3500 canadian (approximately $2100 US). If purchased
prior to weaning, a significant discount will be given (28% off if sold by July 1st, 20% by August 1st, 10% by Sept 1st).
Located in Olds, Alberta Canada.email: brownkl@telusplanet.net
Sailor's Spirit

Dark Bay colt, lovely mover, born June 20, very correct, blaze and 3 high stockings - beautiful!
Price is $15 000 Canadian. Located in Orangeville, Ontario Canada. email: fieldstone@sympatico.ca
Kenlyn Revelation

Beautiful colt by the famous Trake stallion, Ibsen & out of an exquisite granddaughter
of Raffles. This colt is correct and floats. He has a great temperament and is the brave one in the herd of babies. He will
have natural ability to go to the top of any discipline. Price is $4800 American. Located in Fort Morgan, Colorado USA.
email: jack@twol.com

2002 Belgian Warmblood Trekx by Abdullah. Very tall elegant
gray filly. Should finish close to 17h. Imprinted at birth and worked with daily. Leads, ties, trailers, stands
for the farrier, completely bombproof! "Petullah" is extremely well mannered with an A++ personality. She has
wonderful conformation, is a lovely big mover and could do extremely well on the line. This filly was primarily bred
for performance in either the hunter or jumper ring. Her dam, Windsorio ( http://www.avonanimalhospital.com/windsorio.htm ) by Rio Grande( http://www.charlotfarm.com/rio%20grande.htm ) is 16.3h, and only greenbroke, but already shows lots of promise
in her own carreer. Petullah's sire, Abdulla ( http://www.williamsburgfarm.com/abdullah.htm ) is a 17h legend, winning both a silver and gold at the Los Angeles 1984 Olympics. Abdullah is a leading
sire of top show hunters and jumpers in North America. This filly has world class bloodlines and is bred for performance. For
more information about "Petullah" or other young horses visit click on the photo above. Why not take advantage of
the U.S./ Canadian exchange rate. Asking $15,000 CD Located in Nova
Scotia, Canada. email: vets@avonanimalhospital.com

Dutch Warmblood TBx by Oxford (Burggraaf / Voltaire). Very cute liver
chestnut with small star and four white feet. Imprinted at birth and worked with daily. Already halterbroke and
leads at 2 weeks. She has straight and correct legs, a lovely head and neck, a short back and powerful
hind quarters. "Oxanna" is smart and extremely friendly with an e-z going temperament. This filly was bred for performance in
either the hunter or jumper ring. Her dam, "Lottie" a 16 hand TB was a very successful "A" circuit hunter. "Lottie"
can be seen at http://avonanimalhospital.com/lottie.htm Oxford, her sire has stands at 16.3 hands with lovely conformation and
an equally impressive disposition. He was imported from Holland in 1999 after passing all of his keurings including the
1999 finals at Hertogenbosch. Since arriving in North America he has proved himself to be a very talented performance
horse and producer of equally successful offspring. Last year Oxford was named a leading sire of North American
Offspring in Hunter Breeding Classes and has already sired many foal futurity winners and show champions. Last year
he was the sire of the record high-selling foal and highest priced yearling at the CWHBA sales. Oxford can be seen at
http://avonanimalhospital.com/oxford.htm Bloodlines, Brains and Beauty - this filly has it all. For more information
about "Oxanna" or other young horses for sale click on the photo above. Oxanna will be ready to be shipped to the
U.S. or Canada after weaning this fall. Why not take advantage of the U.S./ Canadian exchange rate. Asking $8000
CD . Located in Nova Scotia Canada. email: vets@avonanimalhospital.com

Black Arabian/SWB Sport Horse Filly. Born Feb 2003. Both parents approved by the
ISR/Oldenburg Registry. This Filly has the best of both breeds. The Arabian influence is very evident in both Appearance
and Temperament. The Warmblood influence will be her size and movement. She
Leads, Loads, Clips, Bathes, and stands for the farrier. Both parents and additional photos may be viewed by clicking on photo above. Price is $6000 US.
Located in Florida, USA.